H. Hauksson flytur inn eftir sérpöntun stallað þakstál frá Weckman í klassísku þaksteinsmunstri. Stallað stál er falleg og klassísk lausn í þakklæðningu á sérhverja byggingu, sérstaklega þær sem er ætlað að skera sig úr í útliti. Styrkur og ending Weckman þakstáls er mikill en það er heitgalvaniserað og lakkað með veðurþolnu polyesterlakki og er fáanlegt í mörgum litum.

Weckman er með yfir 60 ára reynslu í framleiðslu og sölu þakstáls á Norðurlöndum.


Nánari upplýsingar veita sölumenn hjá H. Hauksson.

Spruce green RR11 Dark grey 
RR23 Red RR29 Dark brown RR32 Black RR33 Tile Red RR750



Gert úr 100% endurnýjanlegu stáli.


Durable warranty coated structural steel – good stepping durability and quality classification of up to 50 years.


Looks great. Choose between matte or shiny paint coatings in several different colours.


Klassískt, þarfnast lítils viðhalds og endingargott


Weckman Type4 1100

Nominal effective width 1100 mm
Profile height 39 mm
Maximum length ~7000 mm
Minimum length 450 mm
Minimum recommended roof inclination 1:4
Raw material 0.5 mm and 0.6 mm structural steel
Uses Roofing sheet
Rib interval 350 mm
Steel quality S320GD+Z
Fire rating BROOF (RakMk E1)
Quality system ISO-9001
Total width ~1190 mm

Dimensions according to SFS-EN 508-1 tolerances


  • Roofing sheet
  • Shaped ridge capping
  • Gable flashing 160 mm
  • Screws 4.8 x 28 mm
  • Ridge seal


  • Ridge ventilation piece
  • Overhang
  • Roof safety accessories
  • Drainage system

Weckman brick pattern and corrugated board roof installation accessories


1. Katelevy

2. Muotoharjalista L=1,93 m

Tiilikuviokatoille. Suositellaan kattokaltevuuksille
loivempi kuin 1:2.

3. Sileä harjalista L=2 m

Poimulevykatoille. Kaikille kattokaltevuuksille.

4. Päätylista L=2 m

5. Liittymälista L=2 m

Saatavissa oikeaan kulmaan valmiiksi taivutettuna.

6. Räystäslista L=2 m

7. Aluslista L=2 m

Välttämätön räystäslipoissa päätylistan alla – estää otsalautojen kastumisen.

8. Jiirilevy, täysleveä L=2 m

9. Kattoluukku

Kulkuaukon koko 600 x 600 mm. Sisältää saranat ja lukituksen.

10. Läpivientiputken pohjalevy L=1 m

Poimulevykattoihin. Käytetään yhdessä eristettyjen läpivientiputkien kanssa.

11. Auman päätykappale

Muotoharjalistan kanssa.

12. Viemärin tuuletusputki

Eristetty 110. Täydellinen sarja, sisältää kattoläpiviennin ja poimulevyille lisäksi pohjalevyn (nro 10).

13. Ilmastoinnin poistoputki

Eristetty 125/160 mm. Täydellinen paketti, sisältää myös kattoläpiviennin ja poimulevyille lisäksi pohjalevyn (nro 10).

14. Tuuletuskappale

Muoto- ja sileälle harjalistalle.

15. Y-kappale

Muotoharjalistan kanssa.

16. T-kappale

Muotoharjalistan kanssa.

17. Läpivientikumi

25–70 mm, 50–100 mm,
90–150 mm, 125–200 mm

18. Muotoharjalistan päätykappale

19. Tiivisteet

Kaikkiin Weckman-profiileihin on tarjolla sopivat tiivisteet. Tiivistenauha 3 x 10 mm sivuttais- ja jatkolimityksiin. Muotoharjalistan kanssa käytettävä tiivistematto harjalle ja aumaan.

20. Kateruuvit 4,8 x 28

Tiivisteelliset kateruuvit toimitetaan sinkittyinä ja vakioväreissä.

21. Paikkamaali

25 ml, vakiovärit

Guaranteed durability and safety

Finish your Weckman roof with an impressive and practical drainage system. Trough gutters and gutter pipes are manufactured of hot galvanised steel, which is Pural-coated on both sides. The benefits of the coating are excellent corrosion resistance, good cleanability and durable appearance. Standard colours: white, red, dark grey, dark brown and black .



Down pipe

Down pipe set for 3.0-metre eaves, eaves-heights of over 3 metres with extension parts.

Trough gutter

Standard length

Standard length Standard length 3.0 m, 4.0 m or 5.0 m. Outer bracket and overlap piece as standard.

1. P13 Trough gutter

2. P13 End piece

3. P13 Gutter bracket, short

1. P13 Trough gutter

2. P13 End piece

3. P13 Gutter bracket, short

1. P13 Trough gutter

2. P13 End piece

3. P13 Gutter bracket, short

1. P13 Trough gutter

2. P13 End piece

3. P13 Gutter bracket, short

1. P13 Trough gutter

2. P13 End piece

3. P13 Gutter bracket, short

Safe and durable Weckman roof safety accessories

Wall ladders guarantee safe entry onto the roof. A roof bridge ensures a safe passage on the roof in connection with, e.g., chimney sweeping, snow dropping, antenna installations and other tasks on the roof. Snow breakers are designed to prevent damage caused by snow dropping and to protect the roof coating. All roof safety accessories are reliable and high-quality Finnish products.


Weckman ladders are made of hot galvanised oval tubes without weldings. The steps are round tubes. Wall ladders come in powder-coated or galvanised styles and roof ladders are only available powder-coated.Standard colours for roof and wall ladders: white, red, dark grey, dark brown and black.

Roof bridge

A roof bridge can also be used for the construction of work platforms and stairs on the roof. Weckman roof bridges are safe, have a snow permeation capacity of over 50% and are classified as class 2, allowing the fastening of safety ropes. The roof bridges are powder coated. Roof profile-specific roof mounts. Standard colours: dark grey, red, dark brown, black, tile red.


Standard lengths 1.21 m (3 roof mounts), 2.47 m (3 roof mounts) and 2.97 m (4 roof mounts).

Snow breaker


3000 mm

Weckman Steel þak- og veggjaklæðningar uppfylla ströngustu gæðastaðla. Framleiðslan er unninn samkvæmt ISO9001 gæða kerfinu ásamt því að öll stálframleiðsla fyrirtækisins er með CE vottanir og uppfylla kröfur SFS-EN 14783:2006 og SFS-EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011.